Indocyanine green for injection is a Western medicine used for diagnostic purposes.
Used for diagnosing various liver diseases such as cirrhosis, liver fibrosis, resilient hepatitis, occupational and drug-induced liver disease, and understanding the degree of liver damage and its reserve function,
Used for choroidal angiography to determine the location of choroidal disorders.
The ingredient indocyanine green in this product, when intravenously injected into the body, quickly binds to proteins and the pigment does not deposit on the skin or be absorbed by other tissues. It can be used as a dye to test the concentration of ICG in the blood and help check liver function. In addition, the maximum absorption wavelength and maximum fluorescence wavelength of indocyanine green in the blood are located in the near-infrared region, which can penetrate the retinal pigment epithelium layer to reach the choroid and be excited to produce fluorescence. It has good transparency and can be used as a specialized retinal contrast agent for ophthalmology.
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